Copyright @ David Helgerson & Associates, LLC. All rights reserved.

Last updated: July 19, 2021

David Helgerson & Associates, LLC

Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, and Consulting Services

David Alan Helgerson, President & Senior Naval Architect

EXPERTISE:    Ship Integration; Naval Architecture; Technical Writing; Process Planning;

Science and Technology Development; Quality and Program Management; Educational Boatbuilding.

EDUCATION:   B.S., Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, 1977

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS:  SNAME; ASNE; TSCA; and various conservation organizations.

CERTIFICATIONS & LICENSES:  Professional Engineer, Virginia, 1995 (0402026188) Six Sigma Green Belt, CSC, Sept. 2006

​Mr. Helgerson is active in the field of Educational Boatbuilding.  He served on the Board of the Alexandria Seaport Foundation until the end of 2015. He is a Founding Member of the Steering Committee of the Teaching With Small Boats Alliance.  Currently serves as TWSBA Treasurer and on the TWSBA Board of Directors.

He has over 40 years of experience in naval and commercial ship design, construction, testing, and operation. 

Performed technical writing to develop educational materials and support activities of the Maritime Primary and Secondary Education Coalition.

Participated in Transportation Research Board's Military Transportation Committee; serving as Secretary for a period of time.  Participated in the TRB Annual Meetings, at summer meetings of MTC, and as a panel member at the 2014 Annual Meeting.

Served on SNAME Education Committee, Planning Committee, and Publications Committee.  Has served the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers as the Chair of the Technical & Research Program.   He is a SNAME Fellow.


A full resume is available.